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Guest lecture: The Impact of Multilingualism on Brain and Behavior

“The Impact of Multilingualism on Brain and Behavior”

Speaker: Profesor Roberto Filippi, University College London

When: 25/04 at 9.45-11.15

Where: Dobra 55, room 3.014

In today’s talk I will navigate through the uncharted territories and pressing questions within the field of multilingualism. I will delve into the cutting-edge research conducted at the UCL Multilanguage & Cognition Lab, as well as notable contributions from the global research community. In a world where the ability to speak multiple languages is increasingly common, it is essential to explore the ramifications of this skill on cognitive development, social interactions and educational achievements. My exploration will encompass a variety of themes, including the intricacies of brain adaptation in response to learning and utilising multiple languages, the dynamic changes in cognitive functions attributed to multilingualism and the role of socio-economic status across different life stages, and the intriguing shifts in personality traits that may accompany the acquisition of a second language. By dissecting these themes, I aim to unravel the complex tapestry of multilingual upbringing and its far-reaching effects on the brain and behaviour.


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