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Employment offer – POST-DOC in a GRIEG project at UAM

Project title: Across-domain investigations in multilingualism: Modeling L3 acquisition in diverse settings (ADIM)

Principal investigator (PI): prof. UAM dr hab. Magdalena Wrembel

Please follow the link to get further information about the employment offer: More information 

Eployment offer at the NCN website

Position: post-doc – postdoctoral researcher in NCN GRIEG-1 (UMO-2019/34/H/HS2/00495)
Institution: Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznań, Faculty of English
Employment type: job agreement, full time
Period of employment: 24 months
Salary: 10 000 PLN (gross) per month
Position starts in April 2022
Principal investigator (PI): prof. UAM dr hab. Magdalena Wrembel
Project title: Across-domain investigations in multilingualism: Modeling L3 acquisition in
diverse settings (ADIM)
Date of announcement: 15.01.2022
Deadline for application: 06.02.2022
How to apply: Please send an application by e-mail to magdala@amu.edu.pl
About the position:
Two 2-year positions as postdoctoral researcher are available in the Faculty of English, Adam
Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The position is affiliated with the project ADIM (AcrossDomain Investigations in Multilingualism), a Polish-Norwegian project financed by EEA
Norway grants. ADIM is a collaborative project between three institutions, Adam Mickiewicz
University in Poznań (AMU), UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, and NTNU
Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. In addition to two
postdoctoral researchers at AMU, there will be a corresponding position at UiT and at NTNU.
The project must be completed by April 30, 2024.